
Thread and ink: handmade instagram of the week


The graphics of our heroine and her embroidered works are made in the same style. The first often becomes a prototype or sketch for the second.

About the page author

Here is what our today's heroine Lindsay Swinger says about herself: “I was born in Colorado, I live in northern California. If I had the will, I would embroider, drink gallons of Earl Gray tea and watch British TV for days. I am inspired by nature, animals and good design "A special inspiration comes to me when it rains!" Our heroine, by her own admission, draws inspiration from Gothic images and in the works of the artist Edward Gorey, who became famous for gloomy (but very cute) macabre-style illustrations.

Lindsay is a graphic artist who creates pen and ink drawings, and an embroiderer who does needlework, reminiscent of her own schedule in style and style. She says that she started embroidering as a child: “Mom taught me cross-stitching when I was little. I always liked these materials - fabric, thread ... Then I improved myself, seriously doing this since 2013. I like that I can his style to change, modernize this very traditional branch of needlework. "

Experiments from a graduate of the Royal School of Embroidery: handmade instagram of the week

What is this page about

Lindsay’s works, both graphic and embroidered, are quite restrained, as a rule monochomic, and it’s interesting to examine them because of the technique of execution and many details (sometimes even creepy, sometimes not without humor). According to Lindsay, she usually drafts for embroideries, then perfects them, and then embodies them on fabric. But not always. "I admit, some of my favorite embroidered works were just once - and embroidered. I like to have a plan, but spontaneity also helps sometimes."

Machine embroidery does not express this: handmade instagram of the week

Who will be interested in this page

Check out Lindsay’s page if you like her style — whether you embroider, draw, or just want to do it.

More photos: @tuskandcardinal

Repeat the thread that created by nature: handmade instagram of the week

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Watch the video: KidSuper: The Dark Horse of Style. Common Threads (June 2024).