
Embroidery for me - sedation and meditation: handmade instagram of the week


Liz says embroidery classes help her shift her focus from the restless and intense pace of life to a slow and thoughtful one.

About the page author

“I am Liz, and my embroidery project is called cosyblue,” says our heroine. “I live in Asheville, North Carolina, with my husband and two children. I create embroidery based on my own sketches and drawings. I have always been a person with creative thinking, loved do things with my own hands. I’m probably embroidering for twenty years, but I seriously plunged into it 8–9 years ago, I myself began to come up with different patterns and so on. " Now Liz not only embroiders herself, but also sells the patterns she created, and also organized an embroidery club. Each month, club members receive a scheme, and each implements it in their own way, so that they can then share the results.

“The slow, measured embroidery process for me is calming and meditation,” says Liz. “Giving your time to sitting and quietly embroidering is a great way to shift focus from a hectic, stressful pace of life to a slow and thoughtful one.”

To understand how I love color, just look at my work: handmade instagram of the week

What is this page about

On the cozyblue page you can see the finished work and the process of creating them. Liz herself thinks up and draws sketches, then picks up threads from her rich stocks and gets to work. In the process, some details can be added: according to Liz, it is the final stage of embroidery, when you can add it with interesting little things, already anticipating the result, and is her favorite. “The hardest part is to come up with a new sketch when you sit in front of a blank sheet. Fortunately, this usually lasts a few moments,” says Liz.

Appetizing embroidery: handmade instagram of the week

Who will be interested in this page

We recommend Liz's page to all who embroider: you will surely find many interesting ideas here.

More photos: @cozyblue

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