
60-year-old pensioner became a fashion model, growing a beard


Many are sure that after 50, life is just beginning, and Philippe Dumas, a 60-year-old Frenchman who suddenly turned from a pensioner into a top model, is ready to confirm this.

Photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris France (@dumphil) Jul 18 2015 at 11:44 PDT

Philippe Dumas dreamed of becoming a model all his life, but there was no chance, so the Frenchman did anything but conquering the catwalks. For example, for the past ten years he worked at an advertising agency, but the company went bankrupt and the man had to retire. The lack of work, according to Dumas, prompted him to once again try himself as a fashion model. Having decided to experiment with his appearance, he grew a thick beard, which, contrary to his fears, people liked him.
Photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris France (@dumphil) Sep 18 2015 at 10:50 PDT

Then Dumas posted several of his photos on the forum portal Reddit, asking the audience to evaluate whether he should dream about working in the fashion industry.

Years to her face: 5 supermodels over 60

Photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris France (@dumphil) May 13 2015 at 2:48 PDT

"Retired, but not yet in print run. Last attempt to fulfill the dream of my whole life and become a model. Tell me, do I have any inclinations?" - wrote Philip, and in response received a firm and convincing "yes!"

In Russia, opened a model agency for pensioners

Photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris France (@dumphil) Jun 7 2015 at 11:57 PDT

Since then, Philip has already managed to conclude a contract with the Joop brand! Homme and work as a model for Getty photo bank.
Photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris France (@dumphil) Nov 6, 2015 at 5:23 PST

The Parisian admitted that he makes a lot of efforts to maintain physical fitness: he visits the gym five times a week and carefully monitors his diet.
Photo posted by Philippe Dumas. Paris France (@dumphil) Jun 13 2016 at 10:08 PDT

"I really love what I do and enjoy it a lot. What else can I dream of? Maybe work for a huge international campaign like Chanel or Dior. We all have dreams. And these words can help that too. Who knows?" - sure Philippe Dumas.
