
8 gifts for March 8: how to please the needlewoman (or herself)


Gift ideas for March 8 - please those who like to needlework (or make a gift for the holiday to yourself).

1. The book "Burda. The practice of sewing"

This book has bestseller status for a reason. She is a great gift and an indispensable assistant for everyone who sews clothes with their own hands. Beginners to comprehend the science of sewing will find here a competent, clearly laid out practical base that will lay a solid foundation of knowledge and help to avoid mistakes. Those who already sew will receive a handbook in which you can always quickly find the answer to your question and get the right hint. The book describes all the stages of sewing, from taking measurements and cutting to the implementation of individual nodes and parts. Separately, the adjustment of patterns and the choice of tools, fabrics and materials are examined. The book is illustrated and provided with a convenient table of contents facilitating the search for the necessary information.

By the way, now you can receive this book as a gift - the promotion is valid until March 10, 2019 when ordering in our store for an amount of 1500 rubles or more.

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2. Notepad for creative ideas from Burda

This special edition from Burda is useful to those who sew, knit, or enjoy other types of needlework. How often it happens that we sketch or write down the ideas that came to mind on separate sheets, in different notebooks, or even forget some of them ... This notebook will help you not to miss a single interesting thought and idea. For convenience, it is divided into sections: in one it is convenient to write down ideas and thoughts, in the other - to draw sketches, in the third - to compile an inventory of your stocks of materials and fabrics, in the fourth - to fix finished projects. There is also a memo on how to take measurements, a plate for entering your measurements and a Burda dimensional grid. In a word, everything is organized conveniently - so as to restore order in your ideas and plans and not to forget anything.

Creative Notebook by Burda

3. Good cutting scissors

What if you or your friend needlewoman still does not have such tailor scissors that could be called ideal and most beloved? If this question is open, it's time to find the right pair. High-quality scissors from a well-established manufacturer will become convenient, reliable and serving for a long time - these are worth spending money on. Universal scissors, which are suitable for cutting most fabrics and materials, should have straight, long enough (25 cm +/-) blades, comfortable handles (the classic version is when one ring is larger than the other) and a well-functioning mechanism.

How to choose scissors for sewing: types and purpose

4. Scissors for cutting threads

This gift will surely be delighted by everyone who sews a lot on a sewing machine. Scissors for cutting threads, they are also clippers, also called snippers (not to be confused with a spinner and snippet) - a small accessory that allows you to cut the threads after sewing with one easy and quick movement of the hand. Due to the design, these scissors do not need to be opened before cutting the thread, their small blades give the movement the desired accuracy - if you have not worked with the snippet, believe me: it is very convenient. Some tailors also use nail clippers to cut and seam.

12 do-it-yourself gift ideas for March 8th: kids and dads can do it!

5. Roller knife and mat

Such a gift will be appropriate primarily for those who are going to do patchwork, patchwork, leather work, scrapbooking. It’s faster, more accurate and more convenient to cut parts for a patchwork with a roller knife and a rug than if you do it with scissors.In the case of leather and suede, both natural and artificial, these devices also give a much more accurate result and greatly facilitate the process. Here you can read about roller knives (and other knives and cutters) in more detail.

It is better to purchase a roller knife immediately with a mat-substrate: the mat not only protects the working surface from cuts, but also facilitates the work (more about the advantages of using and arranging the mat here).

Needlework mat: why is it needed and what is good?

6. Scissors for embroidery

If you or your girlfriend, for whom you choose a gift, are fond of embroidery, but haven’t gotten special scissors yet, we recommend doing it. Experienced embroiderers must use special scissors for work. They don’t cut anything with these scissors and store them like the apple of an eye, comparing their significance with the importance of a scalpel for a surgeon. Scissors for embroidery are different: for example, “herons” with curved handles (pictured) or just small scissors with straight thin blades that resemble manicure ones. The thinness and sharpness of the blades are very important first of all for small jewelry work, for example, when you need to not only cut the thread, but also undo unsuccessful stitches or cut the fabric when embroidering a quiche. So, choosing scissors for embroidery, focus not only on their beauty (but there are very beautiful ones!), But also on functionality and quality.

Spring card with embroidered ribbons

7. Convenient needle bar

If you need a small but useful gift, take a look at the different types of modern needle beds. For those who cut and sew, a needle-bracelet is useful - it is put on the hand, while pins and needles are always in easy access (such a bracelet makes the sewing life much easier!). For embroiderers, there are needle beds that simultaneously serve as a cover for small scissors - it is convenient to store and take with you. And magnetic needle beds are useful to any needlewoman - their functionality can hardly be overestimated.

Do-it-yourself unusual needle ring-ring

8. Casket or organizer for needlework

As practice shows, caskets, boxes, organizers and other devices to preserve our handmade treasures do not happen much - and a rare needlewoman will not be happy with another one. Whether it’s a small cute casket, a vintage-style basket or a large functional box, the one who likes to sew, embroider, knit will always find something to fill such a gift with.

Handbag for crafts: master class

P. S. If you choose a gift for an experienced needlewoman who already has a rich arsenal of accessories, look for ideas here and here - in these reviews a variety of sewing “lotions” are collected, you may be able to surprise something that has been fond of sewing for a long time.

