
Rest for the liver


This vital organ performs many functions, and therefore needs special attention. Hippocrates also noted: if something is wrong with the liver, a pale appearance and biliary character are provided!

After all, the liver daily produces a liter of bile, from the name of which - "chole" - the word "choleric" occurs, indicating an explosive, unbridled temperament. One is really connected with another! It was not without reason that in ancient times it was believed that excess bile leads to nervous disorders and that the liver accumulates the psychophysical strength of the body, without which it cannot exist as a whole.

Important work

It’s really impossible to live without a liver: it carries out up to 500 different processes, combining the duties of the main cleansing system of the body (2,000 liters of blood pass through it every day, which is filtered 300-400 times here!) And a bile acid factory involved in the digestion of fats. And the liver also regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, synthesizes proteins, organizes metabolism, controls blood pressure, etc. In addition, it is almost the only organ that restores itself after inflammation (hepatitis), poisoning with alcohol, drugs or poisonous substances, injuries and operations. True, the liver is not always subject to recovery. If you do not care about her needs, she can overgrow with connective tissue. A similar phenomenon is called cirrhosis.

Advice. Do not use medicines unless absolutely necessary and consult a doctor, especially painkillers and antipyretics. If you take some of these drugs more often 3 times a day and longer than 3-5 days in a row, you can deliver a significant blow to the liver. Herbal remedies based on coltsfoot, comfrey and a number of other plants with prolonged use also act on it not in the best way. In addition, during the holidays do not overeat, alternate food and toasts with dancing: active movements improve blood circulation to the liver and activate its work. This will help to avoid stagnation of bile and protect it from gallstone disease and cholecystitis.

Beauty is at stake

If the liver is not in order, it immediately affects the appearance, because the skin takes on part of the liver functions - it begins to remove toxins. When there are too many of them, they accumulate in the dermis, destroying collagen fibers - the skin frame. At the same time, it becomes covered with spider veins and wrinkles, dries, fades, its pores become clogged, which leads to the formation of acne. Cellulite develops in the slagged subcutaneous tissue, and impaired fat and carbohydrate metabolism (in which the liver plays an important role) creates the conditions for weight gain. Hair poisoned by toxins also suffers - they grow dull, break, fall out, and dandruff appears.

Tip. Brew a special herbal tea, which will help the liver to get rid of toxins more actively. Mix the rose hips, calendula flowers, blackcurrant leaves and lingonberries equally. In the evening fill 4 table. tablespoons of the mixture with a liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 6-8 hours. Strain and drink the infusion in small sips 1/3 cup half an hour before meals three times a day for 2 weeks. Contraindications: allergy, individual intolerance.

Light kitchen

Even a healthy liver can hardly tolerate fried and fatty foods, hot seasonings (peppers, vinegar, mustard), smoked meats, canned goods, pickles, marinades, rich soups, cream cheese, ice drinks, coffee, soda and alcohol. Such food can easily lead to gallstone disease or hepatostatosis - a condition where excess of fat received from food is deposited in the liver cells and disables it, causing fatty degeneration.

Advice. More often include vegetables (especially carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers), watercress, sea buckthorn, green tea in the menu. Do not forget about seafood and sea fish (but not fatty). Boiled, jellied or baked, prepared in the form of meatballs, meatballs and soufflé, it is rich in lipotropic substances that help liver cells free themselves from fat and actively detox.

Lay on yolk-free protein omelettes, low-fat cottage cheese and sour-milk products. Along with lipotropic substances, they contain a lot of easily assimilated calcium, contributing to the alkaline reaction of bile - in this case, it removes toxins from the body better and does not precipitate in the form of stones in the gallbladder.

TEST for the liver: the answer is "no" - 1 point, "yes" - 2 points

● Do you have dry, flaky, or, on the contrary, too oily problem skin?

● Spoiled complexion?

● Do the sclera (whites of the eyes) appear slightly yellowish?

● Are there pigmented spots on the face and spider veins on the forehead, cheeks or wings of the nose?

● Do you feel discomfort, heaviness, tingling in the right hypochondrium from time to time?

● Have to wash your hair every day - is the hair too oily, prone to dandruff?

● Are there yellow-brown shadows around the eyes?

● Do not tolerate fat or, conversely, just eat it?

● Are you a natural blonde?

● Leading a sedentary lifestyle?

● Have you recently taken antibiotics or other medicines?

● Has a yellowish coating appeared on the tongue?

● Are you often out of sorts, annoyed for no reason?

● Do you have a bad appetite?

● Is there a bitter taste in your mouth?

● Do pimples jump in, is there a tendency to allergies?

● Are you tired quickly?

● Do you like ice drinks and ice cream?

● Are there extra pounds?

● Are you worried about bad breath?

From 20 to 22 points. The condition of the liver is not a concern.

23 to 33 points. Your liver is overloaded with work - it works for wear. Move more. Limit fatty, fried, smoked and spicy. To clean the liver, drink enough liquid (at least 2 liters per day, preferably mineral water without gas) and visit the bathhouse or sauna once a week: when you steam, the excretory function of the skin is enhanced and the load on the liver is reduced.

34 to 40 points. Pass a biochemical blood test for liver enzymes (AST, ALT) and do an ultrasound of the liver - perhaps it already needs treatment!

On a note:

■ A cocktail of equally taken juices — beetroot, cucumber and carrot — helps to clean the liver.

■ Vitamins from carrot juice are better absorbed if you add a little olive oil to it.

■ Brew a special tea for the liver from rose hips and blackcurrant leaves.

■ Eat a little, but often, and at night, drink a glass of kefir or eat a jar of yogurt.

■ When you have to sit a lot, do an exercise that stimulates the outflow of bile and thereby improves its cleansing functions: draw in your stomach in a deep breath and stick it out in a deep breath.


Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Best Foods for Liver Repair u0026 Foods to Avoid For Healthy Liver (January 2025).