
Happy Birthday,!


For the third year now, our site has been stepping confidently through the expanses of the Internet, looking into the homes of needlewomen and making new friends and users.

Every day, the team of improves the capabilities of the project and works to make the site modern, convenient, interesting and useful for you, dear users and members of the forum. And we are not going to stop there. After all, there is no limit to perfection, and development does not have a final point. We always have something to strive for!
We are very glad that you stay with us all this time. Many of you have been on the site for about three years, and there are those who have since the days of the German site, and this is already more than 7 years! We experienced two difficult journeys, and without losing optimism, we overcome difficulties together.
Many members of the forum have become friends and have grown very professionally, every day, improving their sewing skills and demonstrating their successes in our photo forum. Beginners are equal to you, your work is always looking forward to.
So this time you presented us with another surprise.
Forum women from different countries - Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Latvia and Russia (from Moscow to Tyumen) - arranged a flash mob of shirt dresses on the photo forum. The girls wrote off, chose a topic, each sewed their own dissimilar dress model, made photo shoots and put on work at the same time and day!
Despite the employment, family, work and your affairs, you remember the birthday of the site. This promotion is the best gift for us of all possible!
The team sincerely wishes all the users, members of the forum and guests a happy birthday to the site!
Come to us and bring your friends! Share your work, study, gain useful experience, discover new things for yourself, participate in our competitions, communicate, make new friends and stay with us! And we will do everything to make it interesting, convenient and comfortable for us.
Thanks to all the participants of the flash mob, we are proud of you! Happy holiday! Website, happy birthday!
Your edition


Watch the video: Happy Birthday! from The Kinsey Sicks Kinsey E-Greeting (September 2024).