
Rag Seals


Fabric dolls have been around for a very long time. In our century, shining with a cold metallic eye, they are again on takeoff, as well as cute, pleasant trifles sewn from rags.

The creation of soft rag dolls has many directions. The most famous are of course Tilda's dolls. Invented by their young Norwegian designer Tony Finnanger. And literally in a couple of years, tildomania turned into an industry with fan clubs, master classes and decent cash flow. Getting to Tilda is as easy as Barbie.
The rag trend has an elongated shape, only a hint of a face with tiny eyes, touching pastel, or rather, flesh-colored. The Tild family has grown, and in addition to the doll girls proper, with tousled hair and ridiculous outfits in different images from the princess to the hostess, there are elk rabbit-bears, elongated upwards, and cute, touching angels.
The principle of creating Tilda is so simple that any novice needlewoman will create an author's doll without nerves and hassle. It may at first be different from the original plan, but no one will ever guess about this, except for the author. Probably, the deliberate impossibility of marriage in the creation of charming Tilds brought them such crazy success.

The seemingly simple idea turned out to be very rich and gave rise to an unprecedented creative search.Elena VASILYUK, a puppeteer, began to work with dolls 7 years ago. Prefers to create dolls from plastic, and creates dolls-portraits. But this is a rather long matter, the doll is done a month. A textile fragrant miracle can be done in a day.

YOU WILL NEED: • unpainted linen two-thread or dense natural fabric; • decorative acrylic paints; • 4 tablespoons of ground coffee; • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon; • 2-3 tablespoons of PVA glue; • a glass of boiling water; • 1 tsp of salt; • synthetic winterizer and scraps of fabric; • thick paper A3; • pencil; • scissors; • sponge; • accessories (beads, scarves).
Any flaws in the pattern will be turned into copyright features. As a rule, there are no more than three details of the pattern, in our cats it is the body, tail and bottom (photo 1).
We transfer the patterns to the fabric and cut out the details: body - 2 pcs., Tail - 2 pcs., Bottom - 1 pc. (photo 2).
We sew the tail, stuff it with a synthetic winterizer, put its open part between the parts of the body. We sew the body and bottom, leaving a hole for stuffing. We stuff and sew. Cunning!When the cat is almost full, it is necessary to strengthen the bottom with scraps of fabric so that it has a center of gravity and does not fall (photo 3).
We prepare fragrant paint: in a glass of boiling water we put coffee, cinnamon, glue, salt. Sponge evenly cover the entire seal. Leave to dry 24 hours (photo 4).
Paint with acrylic paints to the best of our skills, dry again (photo 5).
Our seals do not strive for any height, they feel good everywhere, they have stunning human eyes, mouth-watering sides and scruff of the neck. They smell of gingerbread and cinnamon rolls.In addition to coffee and cinnamon, you can add vanillin, aromatic oils, spices, create any composition to your taste and mood. These aromas last for several months.
Having once taken this miracle in hand, it is already impossible to part with it. Puppeteers say that each toy has its own character, and they know how to influence our lives. Whether the doll reflects the individuality of the master or the master discovers new entities using shreds and paints - no one knows.

The article was published based on the journal Good Kinds 3/2013
Text: Julia Popova. Photo: Y. Guskova / Bildfabrik; Marc Nicke /; Elena Schweitzer /; Azazirov /; Dmitriy Sladkov /; Legion media
Materials prepared by Julia Dekanova


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