
Mat from old jeans: a master class


Another great way to "recycle" old jeans: a patchwork patch. Do it yourself is easy: follow the steps in the workshop.

This mat is good in that it is durable, as it is made of denim, while absorbing moisture well. It is suitable for an entrance hall or a bathroom. You can use jeans of different colors for him - or shreds of another dense cotton fabric. The size can be made as you want, you can experiment with the form.

What to make of old jeans: 19 great ideas

You will need:

- 5-7 pairs of old jeans;

- sintepon sheet;

- dense fabric for the bottom of the mat;

- cardboard, ruler, pencil for building a template;

- chalk or pencil for fabric;

- scissors or roller knife + mat mat;

- pins;

- sewing machine and thread.

From old to new: cosmetic bag from old jeans

Step 1

Draw a hexagon with equal sides on the cardboard - this will be a template. Focus on the leg width of your jeans.

Step 2

Cut hexagons from different jeans. For the rug model from this example, you need about 50 different hexagons.

Step 3

Lay out the hexagons on the work surface, choosing the best combination.For this model, the scheme is as follows: 1 row - 5 hexagons, 2 row - 6 hexagons, then - repeat, a total of 9 rows should be obtained.

Step 4

Start stitching the hexagons. First, take two of them, fold and pin. Perfectionists can try to choose the direction of the threads so that the denim scar of different pieces goes in the same direction, but this is not necessary.

Do-it-yourself carpets and rugs: 4 workshops and 20 ideas

Step 5

Sew two hexagons.

Step 6

Continue stitching the hexagons. From the beginning and end of the stitches, do the tack

Step 7

Check from time to time to see if the canvas is even.

Step 8

After collecting the entire mat, trim its edges.

Step 9

Assemble a “sandwich”: synthetic winterizer, fabric for the bottom of the mat face up, the patchwork part of the mat face down. Chip all layers with pins.

Step 10

Sew the mat around the perimeter, leaving a hole for turning out. Trim the excess fabric and sintepon, leaving a piece of the bottom layer, as shown in the photo.

Step 11

Turn the rug out, iron by turning the edges of the hole inward. Stitch around the perimeter while suturing the hole. Done!

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